context parsers
Summary list of all context parsers in the pypyr estate.
title | description |
pypyr.parser.argskwargs | Pass args and/or key=value pairs from cli input to the pipeline. |
pypyr.parser.dict | Parse cli key=value pairs into argDict |
pypyr.parser.json | Put json input string from cli arg into context. |
pypyr.parser.jsonfile | Put json file into context from a cli arg path input. |
pypyr.parser.keys | Boolean cli switches True if exist. |
pypyr.parser.keyvaluepairs | Pass key-value pairs from cli input args to the pipeline. |
pypyr.parser.list | Put each cli input arg into a list argList . |
pypyr.parser.string | Concatenate all cli input args into single string argString . |
pypyr.parser.tomlfile | Load toml file into context from a cli arg path input. |
pypyr.parser.yamlfile | Put yaml file into context from a cli arg path input. |