Summary list of all ready-made steps in the pypyr estate.
title | description |
custom step | Create your own custom step. |
pypyr.steps.add | Add item to a set. |
pypyr.steps.append | Append item to a list. |
pypyr.steps.assert | Stop pipeline if item in context is not as expected. | | Call another step-group. Continue from the same place after the called groups complete. |
pypyr.steps.cmd | Run any external program, command, script. |
pypyr.steps.cmds | Run external programs, commands & scripts concurrently in parallel. |
pypyr.steps.configvars | Inject variables from config into pipeline. |
pypyr.steps.contextclear | Remove specified items from context. |
pypyr.steps.contextclearall | Wipe the entire context. |
pypyr.steps.contextcopy | Copy entire context keys. |
pypyr.steps.contextmerge | Merges values into context, preserving the existing context hierarchy. |
pypyr.steps.contextsetf | Old name for set . Use set instead. |
pypyr.steps.debug | Pretty print context to output. |
pypyr.steps.default | Set values if they do not exist already. |
pypyr.steps.echo | Echo context value of echoMe to the output. |
pypyr.steps.env | Get, set or unset $ENVs. |
pypyr.steps.envget | Get $ENVs & use a default fallback if they don’t exist. |
pypyr.steps.fetchjson | Load json file into pypyr context. |
pypyr.steps.fetchtoml | Load toml file into pypyr context. |
pypyr.steps.fetchyaml | Load yaml file into pypyr context. |
pypyr.steps.fileformat | Find & replace substitution {tokens} in any file. |
pypyr.steps.fileformatjson | Find & replace substitution {tokens} in a json file. |
pypyr.steps.fileformattoml | Find & replace substitution {tokens} in a toml file. |
pypyr.steps.fileformatyaml | Find & replace substitution {tokens} in a yaml file. |
pypyr.steps.fileread | Read file into pypyr context. |
pypyr.steps.filereplace | Find & replace any arbitrary search strings in a file. |
pypyr.steps.filewrite | Write payload to file. |
pypyr.steps.filewritejson | Write payload to file in json format. |
pypyr.steps.filewritetoml | Write payload to file in toml format. |
pypyr.steps.filewriteyaml | Write payload to file in yaml format. |
pypyr.steps.glob | Get paths from glob expression. |
pypyr.steps.jsonparse | Parse json string into pypyr context. |
pypyr.steps.jump | Jump to another step-group. The rest of the current step-group doesn’t run. | | Saves current local date-time to context now . |
pypyr.steps.nowutc | Saves current utc date-time to context nowUtc . |
pypyr.steps.pathcheck | Check if paths exist on filesystem. | | Execute inline python code. |
pypyr.steps.pyimport | Use external libraries in your !py expressions. |
pypyr.steps.pype | Call another pipeline from the current pipeline. |
pypyr.steps.pypyrversion | Write current pypyr version number to output. |
pypyr.steps.python | Get the absolute path of the current Python executable. |
pypyr.steps.safeshell | Deprecated alias for cmd |
pypyr.steps.set | Set & format context keys. | | Run commands in the default shell. Use for pipes, wildcards, $ENVs, ~ |
pypyr.steps.shells | Run shell statements concurrently in parallel. |
pypyr.steps.stop | Stop pypyr entirely. |
pypyr.steps.stoppipeline | Stop current pipeline. |
pypyr.steps.stopstepgroup | Stop current step-group. |
pypyr.steps.switch | Conditional branching for IF-THEN-ELSE control-of-flow. |
pypyr.steps.tar | Archive and/or extract tars with/without compression. Supports gzip, bzip2 & lzma. |
pypyr.steps.venv | Create a virtual environment (venv). |
pypyraws.steps.client | Execute any low-level AWS client method. |
pypyraws.steps.ecswaitprep | Run me after an ecs task run or stop to prepare an ecs waiter. |
pypyraws.steps.s3fetchjson | Fetch a json file from s3 into the pypyr context. |
pypyraws.steps.s3fetchyaml | Fetch a yaml file from s3 into the pypyr context. |
pypyraws.steps.wait | Wait for an aws client waiter method to complete. |
pypyraws.steps.waitfor | Wait for any aws client method to complete, even when it doesn’t have an official waiter. |
pypyrslack.steps.send | Send messages or notifications to slack. |