run a pipeline from the api permalink

You can run a pypyr automation pipeline programmatically from your own code using the python api.

Here’s a silly pipeline:

# ./pipeline-dir/my-pipe.yaml
context_parser: pypyr.parser.keyvaluepairs
  - name: pypyr.steps.echo
      echoMe: piper {arbkey} that {anotherkey} again
  - name: pypyr.steps.set
        myoutput: I was set in the pipeline!
          - '{arbkey}'
          - '{anotherkey}'
            arb_number: 123
            arb_bool: False

Run this pipeline from the cli like this:

$ pypyr pipeline-dir/my-pipe arbkey=pipe anotherkey=song
piper pipe that song again


You can run this same pipeline programmatically with the same inputs like this:

# Optional. If you want to see pypyr stdout output, log level should be <= 25
# import logging
# logging.basicConfig(level=25)

from pypyr import pipelinerunner

# You can run a pipeline via the API like this:
context ='pipeline-dir/my-pipe',
                             args_in=['arbkey=pipe', 'anotherkey=song'])

# Or like this:
context ='pipeline-dir/my-pipe',
                             dict_in={'arbkey': 'pipe',
                                      'anotherkey': 'song'})

# context behaves like a dict
print(context['myoutput'])  # I was set in the pipeline!
print(context['input_values'][0])  # pipe
print(context['some_nesting']['down_level']['arb_number'])  # 123

Use the run() function in the pypyr.pipelinerunner module to run a pipeline. For the exact same behavior as the CLI, you also have to initialize config and logging.

This example shows two different ways of initializing the pipeline’s context: both are equivalent and results in the same values being passed to the pipeline - the pipeline step sequences run identically. For this example pipeline, the output context for both run() calls is identical. See initialize context for details on args_in vs dict_in.

run() returns the pypyr Context object to you as it is after the pipeline completes, giving you access to any mutations the pipeline made to it.

run() entry-point permalink

This is the full function signature:

  pipeline_name: str,
  args_in: list[str] | None = None,
  parse_args: bool | None = None,
  dict_in: dict | None = None,
  groups: list[str] | None = None,
  success_group: str | None = None,
  failure_group: str | None = None,
  loader: str | None = None,
  py_dir: str | bytes | PathLike | None = None
) -> pypyr.context.Context:

input args permalink

import pypyr.pipelinerunner

out ='arb-pipe',
                               args_in=['arb', 'context input'],
                               dict_in={'key': 'value', 'arbkey': 'arb value'},
                               groups=['group1', 'group2'],
  • pipeline_name: string. Required.
    • Name of pipeline, sans .yaml at end.
    • {pipeline_name}.yaml is relative to the current working directory.
    • You can also specify an absolute path here (again, just leave out the .yaml at the end).
  • args_in: list of string. Optional.
    • Initialize the pypyr context with this list of strings.
    • Use the python shlex split function on a string to get a parsed list.
    • If not specified pypyr will create an empty Context object for you, depending on how the pipeline’s context_parser handles None input.
  • parse_args: Boolean. Optional.
    • Explicitly set whether to run the context_parser on the pipeline.
    • If you set args_in, parse_args defaults to True.
    • If you set dict_in and NOT args_in, pypyr assumes you don’t want to run the pipeline’s context parser to initiate context and defaults parse_args to False.
  • dict_in: dict. Optional.
    • Initialize the pypyr Context object with this dict.
    • If not specified pypyr will create an empty Context for you.
    • If you set both dict_in AND args_in, pypyr will initialize Context with dict_in and then merge the results of args_in processed by the pipeline’s context_parser into that before running the pipeline with the resulting combined context. This is probably what you want by default, since the point of using dict_in is to bypass the inefficient string parsing of the context_parser.
  • groups: list of string. Optional.
    • Step-group names to run in pipeline.
    • Defaults to ['steps'] if not specified.
  • success_group: string. Optional.
    • Step-group name to run on success completion.
    • Defaults to on_success if not specified.
  • failure_group: string. Optional.
    • Step-group name to run on pipeline failure.
    • Defaults to on_failure if not specified.
  • loader: string. Optional.
    • Absolute name of pipeline loader module.
    • If not specified will use pypyr.loaders.file - the standard builtin pypyr pipeline loader.
    • See loaders for pypyr’s built-in loaders.
    • You can also create your own custom loader.
  • py_dir: Path-like. Optional.
    • Look for custom modules in this directory.
    • Under the hood, pypyr adds this directory to sys.path.
    • This is useful if your pipeline uses ad hoc .py files that are NOT installed in the current Python environment.
    • Be aware that if you use the standard default file loader, pypyr will add the pipeline’s parent directory automatically for you after it finds the pipeline. You therefore do NOT need to set py_dir to the pipeline directory when using the default loader.
    • If you are using a custom loader that is not installed in the current Python environment, you have to set py_dir to allow pypyr to find it.
    • If you have installed (typically with $ pip install) all the custom modules your pipeline uses into the current Python environment you do NOT need to set py_dir.
    • If your sys.path already contains the necessary paths to discover the custom modules that your pipeline uses, you do NOT need to set this.
    • If your pipeline does NOT use any custom Python modules, you do NOT need to set py_dir.

returns permalink

The pypyr context as it is after the pipeline completes. This is of type pypyr.context.Context(). Each pipeline invocation uses its own fresh context - a context is unique to a single root pipeline run.

The Context object behaves pretty much like a standard dict.

passing values to the pipeline permalink

If you want to inject values into the pipeline you are running, you do so by initializing the context for the pipeline run with the data you need.

args_in vs dict_in permalink

# Initialize context with args_in:
context_out_1 ='pipeline-dir/my-pipe',
                                   args_in=['arbkey=pipe', 'anotherkey=song'])

# Or with dict_in:
context_out_2 ='pipeline-dir/my-pipe',
                                   dict_in={'arbkey': 'pipe',
                                            'anotherkey': 'song'})

# Both results in the pipeline running the same, with the same output
assert context_out_1 == context_out_2

You can initialize context in 2 different ways:

  • args_in
    • Use this if you want to pass context arguments to the pipeline’s context_parser in exactly the same way as the cli does - as a list of strings.
    • This makes it the pipeline’s context_parser’s responsibility to interpret & parse those strings.
  • dict_in
    • Use this if you have your own dict-like structure you want to pass to your pipeline.
    • This will bypass the pipeline’s context_parser and use your input dict directly to initialize the pypyr Context.
    • This way you can directly control the context structure and the types of the values you put in it.

You can also set both dict_in and args_in - in which case pypyr will initialize context with dict_in, run the context_parser with args_in and then merge the results of both into a single context before running the pipeline with the combined context.

You can use whichever you prefer when you invoke your pipelines programmatically. Either way is identical for actual pipeline control-of-flow execution - the only difference is how you initialize the context that the pipeline will use.

Now, having said that, parsing input strings and inferring types with the context_parser (like you have to when the cli is passing the values) is inherently inefficient. Since you are in structured Python code already when using the API, you might as well prefer dict_in to args_in.

What works well is to set a context_parser in your pipeline yaml, which allows you to use it from the cli with custom arguments, and then you can just bypass the context_parser when you use the API by using dict_in explicitly to initialize the Context exactly how you want it. This allows you to call the same pipeline from both the cli and the api - and if you only pass dict_in to the api rather than args_in, pypyr will automatically bypass the context_parser for you unless you explicitly set parse_args to True.

args_in list permalink

args_in takes a list of strings. This is a POSIX style argument split on the input arguments following the pipeline name as passed from the cli.

$ pypyr mypipeline arg1 "arg 2" arg3=4

Equates to args_in of:

['arg1', 'arg 2', 'arg3=4']

If you have a single string representing all the input arguments, a convenient way to split it into a list while honoring escape sequences & quotes is to use the built-in python shlex split function.

import shlex
from pypyr import pipelinerunner

# For a pipeline that you'd run from the cli like this:
# $ pypyr pipeline-dir/my-pipe arbkey=pipe anotherkey="song with a space"

in_args = shlex.split('arbkey=pipe anotherkey="song with a space "')
# shlex result: ['arbkey=pipe', 'anotherkey=song with a space ']'pipeline-dir/my-pipe',

invoke pipeline from api with no input context permalink

Setting an input context is optional. It’s only relevant when you have to pass values into your pipeline.

# ./no-input-context.yaml
  - name:
      py: print('hello hello!')
  - name: pypyr.steps.set
        arbkey: I was set in the pipeline!

You can run this pipeline like this:

# For a pipeline ./no-input-context.yaml
# that you'd run from the cli like this:
# $ pypyr no-input-context

from pypyr import pipelinerunner

out ='no-input-context')
print(out['arbkey']) # I was set in the pipeline!

initialize config permalink

By default, when you call run() pypyr will use default configuration values and “just work” without you having to do anything special.

If you want to follow the configuration look-up sequences where pypyr looks for yaml/toml config sources on disk, you explicitly need to tell pypyr to do so using config.init().

Because this is a relatively expensive operation you probably only want to run this once per Python session, regardless of how many pipelines you execute with That said, if you really wanted to you could run it multiple times to reconfigure pypyr on the fly.

from pypyr import pipelinerunner
from pypyr.config import config

# initialize config once

# run multiple pipelines
out1 ='my-pipeline-1')
out2 ='my-pipeline-2')

If your code invokes config.init(), you can still bypass the heavy initialization sequence on-the-fly by using the PYPYR_SKIP_INIT environment variable.

shortcuts permalink

If you initialize config, pypyr will automatically check if the pipeline_name you pass to run() is a recognized shortcut name.

If it is a shortcut, pypyr will run the pipeline using the inputs configured by the shortcut rather than the arguments you pass to run() function. If pipeline_name does not match a shortcut, pypyr will continue on to the default pipeline discovery process.

So given shortcut configuration like this:

    pipeline_name: /mydir/my-pipeline
      akey: a value
      anotherkey: 123
    pipeline_name = "/mydir/my-pipeline"
    args = {akey = "a value", anotherkey = 123 }

You can run like this:

from pypyr import pipelinerunner
from pypyr.config import config

# initialize config once

# since config is initialized, pypyr can check for shortcuts too
out ='my-shortcut')

If pypyr finds a matching shortcut:

  • args_in, if any, appends to the end of the shortcut’s parser_args
  • dict_in, if any, merges into the shortcut’s args
  • parse_args is ignored entirely. The value is calculated only from shortcut configuration.
    • The calculation is: parse_args will be False if (shortcut.args + dict_in) exists and (args_in + shortcut.parser_args) does NOT exist.
    • In all other cases, parse_args will be True.
  • For any of the other arguments, pypyr will fall back to the values you provide to the run() function if the shortcut does not specify any.
from pypyr import pipelinerunner
from pypyr.config import config


# inputs to run() treated as fallback defaults
out ='my-shortcut',
                         args_in=['one', 'two'],
                         dict_in={'a': 'b'},

In this example,

  • args_in will append to the end of the shortcut parser_args.
    • uses args_in if no shortcut parser_args exist.
  • dict_in will merge into the shortcut’s args.
    • uses dict_in if no shortcut args exist.
  • if the shortcut does not specify a value for loader, pypyr will fallback to use myloader.

logging permalink

By default python runs with a log level of 30 (WARNING). This means you won’t see pypyr NOTIFY output like pypyr.steps.echo or description output when you invoke the pypyr api from your own code without setting the log-level. This is because, as an API, pypyr shouldn’t clutter your stdout unless you explicitly tell it to do so.

If you’re invoking pypyr via the API from your own application, it’s your responsibility to set up and configure logging. If you just want the same log handlers & formatters that the pypyr cli uses, you can call pypyr.log.logger.set_root_logger() before invoking

from pypyr import pipelinerunner
from pypyr.config import config
import pypyr.log.logger

# optional - one-time loading of config from files

# initialize logging once
# use the same log format & level defaults as the cli

# For a pipeline that you'd run from the cli like this:
# $ pypyr pipeline-dir/my-pipe arbkey=pipe anotherkey=song

context_out ='pipeline-dir/my-pipe',
                                 dict_in={'arbkey': 'pipe',
                                          'anotherkey': 'song'})

If you are calling both config.init() and set_root_logger(), be sure to call config.init() FIRST, because this will allow the logger to get its configuration from config. You can customize the logging output format with the config properties prefixed with log_.

Be aware that pypyr adds a NOTIFY - 25 custom log-level and a notify() function to logging in all cases, even when you don’t call set_root_logger().

log levels permalink

Log level enumeration:

  • < 10 gives full traceback on errors.
  • 10=DEBUG
  • 20=INFO
  • 25=NOTIFY (default)
  • 30=WARNING
  • 40=ERROR

set_root_logger input args permalink

Use set_root_logger when you want to use the same logging format as the cli.

This is optional. Your application is free to define its own log level and handlers - in which case, don’t bother with set_root_logger().

If you do call set_root_logger do so once and only once at program initialization.

Call set_root_logger only after config.init() if you want to override logging defaults from yaml/toml configuration files. This is optional though, since if you do not call config.init() at all set_root_logger will just use the standard out-of-box defaults.

import pypyr.log.logger

  • log_level: int. Optional.
    • Defaults to 25 if not specified.
  • log_path: Path-like. Optional.
    • If specified, append pypyr output to this file.
    • Defaults to None if not specified - which means output only goes to the console.

clear cache permalink

pypyr caches items that are slower to load and parse, such as:

  • pipeline yaml
  • steps
  • context parsers
  • pipeline loaders
  • retry backoff strategies

The cache endures for as long as the calling python process is active.

If you want to hot reload an item, such as a pipeline, you can either clear the cache, or you can disable caching altogether for everything with no_cache mode.

purge all cache permalink

You can clear all the caches like this with clear_all() in pypyr.cache.admin:

import pypyr.cache.admin as cache_admin

# call pipeline 1st time. This will cache `my-pipe`.
context ='my-pipe')

# purge all caches

# call the same pipeline a 2nd time.
# This invocation will save a fresh reload of `my-pipe` to cache.
context ='my-pipe')

# 3rd invocation will use cache.
context ='my-pipe')

disable cache permalink

You can disable caching entirely when you set no_cache in config. You can set this value in any of pypyr’s config files, or you can set the $PYPYR_NO_CACHE environment variable.

Remember that if you want to set no_cache in one of the pypyr config files you have to initialize config first.

Alternatively, here is an example of setting no_cache directly in code between multiple calls to the pipelinerunner api:

from pypyr.config import config
from pypyr import pipelinerunner

# disable all caching
config.no_cache = True

# call pipeline 1st time.
# This will also NOT save `my-pipe` to cache once its loaded.
context ='my-pipe')

# call the same pipeline a 2nd time. This second invocation 
# will NOT use the cache and load the pipeline fresh from
# disk instead.
# It will also NOT save `my-pipe` to cache once its loaded.
context ='my-pipe')

# re-enable all caching
config.no_cache = False

# this time `my-pipe` will load fresh (since cache still empty),
# but save the result to cache once its found and loaded.
# subsequent runs will use the cached copy.
context ='my-pipe')

purge specific cache permalink

If you just want to clear the pipeline cache, you can do this:

from pypyr.cache.loadercache import loader_cache
from pypyr.cache.filecache import file_cache


Here are all the different caches you can clear:

from pypyr.cache.backoffcache import backoff_cache

from pypyr.cache.loadercache import loader_cache

from pypyr.cache.filecache import file_cache

from pypyr.cache.namespacecache import pystring_namespace_cache

from pypyr.cache.parsercache import contextparser_cache

from pypyr.cache.stepcache import step_cache

Regardless of the pypyr caches, remember that the Python runtime caches imported modules in sys.modules on first load. This means if you are coding a custom Python add-on for pypyr, for example a custom step, Python will keep on using the original .py file it first loaded during the current Python session. You could force a reload here, but be aware that if your custom module has initialization side-effects this can cause surprises. This is not something you have to worry about if you’re calling pypyr from the CLI.

see also

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