parse cli input args into list
Append each input argument into a list argList
to initialize context.
Escape literal spaces with single or double quotes.
Given a pipeline like this, arbitrarily saved as ./list-parser.yaml
# ./list-parser.yaml
context_parser: pypyr.parser.list
- pypyr.steps.debug # prints at log level <=20
- name: pypyr.steps.echo
comment: the args passed into the pypyr with list parser
end up as a list in context under key argList
echoMe: "the 2nd thing on the input list is: {argList[1]}"
Each argument you pass via the cli will now be in the argList
$ pypyr list-parser eggs bacon ham --log 20
{'argList': ['eggs', 'bacon', 'ham']}
the 2nd thing on the input list is: bacon