read toml file into context
Take a path from the cli input argument, and read the toml file at that path into context. Strongly typed values in the source toml will translate into the pipeline context (in other words, integers will be integers, booleans will be booleans etc.). This lets you initialize the pipeline context from a toml file.
The input path can be relative or absolute. Relative paths are relative to the current working directory.
Given a toml file like this, saved as ./sample-files/sample.toml
#this is a toml example
echoMe = "this is a value from a toml file"
key1 = "value1"
key2 = "value2"
keyBool = true
keyInt = 123
mytablekey = "{key1} and {key2} and {key3}"
And given a pipeline like this, arbitrarily saved as ./tomlfile-parser.yaml
# ./tomlfile-parser.yaml
context_parser: pypyr.parser.tomlfile
# echoMe is set in the toml input file
- pypyr.steps.echo
- name: pypyr.steps.set
comment: use the int from toml as a strongly typed int
intResult: !py keyInt * 2
key3: value3
- name: pypyr.steps.echo
comment: print out result of int calculation
echoMe: "strongly typed happens automatically: {intResult}"
- name: pypyr.steps.echo
comment: access a key in a table
formatting expressions in toml string will work
echoMe: "{mytable[mytablekey]}"
- name: pypyr.steps.echo
comment: only run if input bool is true
run: '{keyBool}'
echoMe: you'll only see me if the bool was true
You can run this pipeline as follows:
$ pypyr tomlfile-parser ./sample-files/sample.toml
this is a value from a toml file
strongly typed happens automatically: 246
value1 and value2 and value3
you'll only see me if the bool was true
Notice that mytable.mytablekey
uses pypyr {substitution} expressions where
and key2
are set in the toml file itself, and key3
is set in the
pypyr pipeline with pypyr.steps.set.
If you change the keyBool
bool to false
in the toml input file, the last
step won’t run anymore because the run
condition is False
$ pypyr tomlfile-parser ./sample-files/sample.toml
this is a value from a toml file
strongly typed happens automatically: 246
value1 and value2 and value3
spaces in file path
Depending on your O/S, shell and file-system, it’s up to you to deal with special characters in the file-name.
Taking either zsh or fish as an example, all of the following will work:
$ pypyr mypipeline ./testfiles/sample.toml
$ pypyr mypipeline ./test files/sample with space.toml
$ pypyr mypipeline "./test files/sample with space.toml"
$ pypyr mypipeline ./"test files"/"sample with space.toml"
A TOML file must always be in utf-8
, per the TOML