developer’s guide permalink

coding style permalink

You’ve read pep8? pypyr uses flake8 as a quality gate during ci.

testing without worrying about dependencies permalink

Run tox to test the packaging cycle inside a tox virtual env, plus run all tests:

# run tests & flake 8 linter
$ tox -- ops/build
# run tests, flake 8 linter, test packaging & validate README.rst
$ tox -- ops/build package

This of course assumes you have tox installed in your current active Python environment.

If tox takes too long permalink

For day-to-day dev, the entire testing & linting cycle via tox takes too long while you’re still working on something. You very probably want to work in a virtual environment, but this is entirely up to you.

$ python3 -m venv .env/dev
$ . .env/dev/bin/activate
$ pip install -e .[dev]

The pip install -e .[dev] command will install all the necessary dependencies for you.

Once you have done this, you have all the dependencies you need to dev and test locally and run the various tools directly without mediating through tox.

# run tests & flake 8 linter
$ pypyr ops/build
# run tests, flake 8 linter, test packaging & validate README.rst
$ pypyr ops/build package

Where you create your virtual environment is up to you, of course, but if you did want to keep in in the project directory, ./.env is a good place to do it in since it’s in .gitignore already.

day-to-day testing permalink

  • The test framework is pytest.

  • Tests live under ./tests (surprising, eh?). Mirror the directory structure of the code being tested.

  • Prefix a test definition with test_ - so a unit test looks like

    def test_this_should_totally_work():
  • To execute all tests, from root directory:

    $ pytest tests
  • To execute a specific test module:

    $ pytest tests/unit/
  • For a bit more info on running tests:

    $ pytest --verbose tests
    $ pytest --verbose tests/unit/

coverage permalink

pypyr has 100% test coverage. GitHub Actions CI enforces this if you try to merge with the main branch.

The standard ops/build pipeline runs the coverage check and outputs the results to terminal:

# run linting, tests + coverage with terminal output
$ pypyr ops/build

If the above results in less than 100%, hunt down missing lines like this:

# display line numbers in a particular file where branch coverage missing.
# works only after report.
$ coverage report -m pypyr/

PRs permalink

When you pull request, code will have to pass the linting and coverage requirements listed above. The CI enforces these, so might as well run these locally first, eh?

So definitely do this locally before you PR:

# run tests, flake 8 linter, test packaging & validate README.rst
$ tox -- ops/build package

Try to keep the commit history tidy.

The PR description should describe the changes in it. Favor concise bullets over paragraphs. Chances are pretty good each bullet will coincide somewhat with each commit included in the PR. Do use previous PRs as a guide.

see also

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