description permalink

provide step status output permalink

description is text that prints to the output when the pipeline runs. This is useful to provide operators with visibility of pipeline progress, especially where steps themselves do not provide any output.

The description outputs at NOTIFY - 25 level. This means you will see it by default. If you want to suppress description output, run pypyr with --log higher than 25.

If you are looking to annotate your pipeline in a way that does not print to runtime output use comment instead. You can use both description and comment in combination too, which is handy to provide end-user output in addition to pipeline code annotation.

- name:
  description: ->> deleting venv if venvCreate[purge]==True
  comment: using shell to allow ~ substitution
  run: !py venvCreate.get('purge', False)
    cmd: rm -rf {venvCreate[path]}
- name:
  description: ->> creating venv
  comment: using shell to allow ~ substitution
    cmd: python3 -m venv {venvCreate[path]}

see also

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