basic concepts permalink

pipeline permalink

A pipeline is a sequence of steps. A pypyr pipeline is a simple human-readable and human-authored yaml file that defines your sequence of steps. pypyr interprets and runs the pipeline for you.

# ./arb-example-pipeline.yaml
# optional
context_parser: my.custom.parser # how you pass cli arguments to the pipeline.

# mandatory
steps: # step-group
  - step1 # run ./
  - step2 # run ./

# optional.
on_success: # step-group
  - my.first.success.step # run ./my/first/success/
  - my.second.success.step # run ./my/second/success/

# optional.
on_failure: # step-group
  - my.failure.handler.step # run ./my/failure/handler/
  - my.failure.handler.notifier # run ./my/failure/handler/

step-group permalink

You organize your sequences of steps into groups. By default, pypyr looks for 3 step-groups on a default run:

  • steps
  • on_success
  • on_failure

You can make your own custom step-groups too, to break your pipeline into modular components.

step permalink

A step is the thing that actually does the work. Under the hood, a step is really just a bit of python that does stuff - you can code your own step with a simple undemanding function signature, or even more easily, use any of pypyr’s many built-in steps without writing your own code at all.

You can specify a step in the pipeline yaml in two ways:

simple step permalink

A simple step is just the name of the python module. pypyr will look in your pipeline’s directory for these modules or packages.

For a package, be sure to specify the full namespace (i.e not just mymodule, but mypackage.mymodule.

  - # points at a python module in a package.
  - mymodule # simple step pointing at ./
  - another.module # simple step pointing at ./another/

complex step permalink

A complex step allows you to specify a few more details for your step, but at heart it’s the same thing as a simple step - it points at some python.

  - name: my.package.another.module
    description: Optional Description is for humans.
                 It is any yaml-escaped text that makes your life easier.
                 Outputs to the console during runtime as NOTIFY.
    comment: Optional comments for pipeline developers.
             Does not output to console during run-time.
    in: # optional. 
      parameter1: value1
      parameter2: value2

These extra fields on the step are decorators. Decorators are powerful optional extras you can apply to your step to pass your own variables to it, make it loop, retry or ignore errors automatically & only execute when certain conditions are true.

You can freely mix and match simple and complex steps in the same pipeline. Frankly, the only reason simple steps are there is because I’m lazy and I dislike redundant typing.

context permalink

The pypyr context is a dictionary that is in scope for the duration of the entire pipeline. You use the context to persist and pass values between steps in the pipeline.

Context is not just for simple dictionary key-value pairs. You can put any object into context. This is especially powerful because you can load entire configuration files in json or yaml into context then to use and format for your steps. A typical use-case is to load a configuration file for a 3rd party system, inject some variable values into the configuration file, and then invoke the 3rd party system with the newly formatted payload.

The context_parser can initialize the context from the cli.

Any step in the pipeline can add, edit or remove items from the context dictionary.

Because context is so integral to doing real work in pypyr, pypyr has a lot of built-in steps to set, manipulate & format context values.

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