configuration permalink

You can configure pypyr run-time settings & defaults using environment variables and configuration files.

This is entirely optional - by default pypyr runs out-of-box without any extra configuration necessary. If you’re just getting started with pypyr, don’t bother reading the rest of this, it’s not essential - just be aware that you can configure pypyr if the need does arise.

Rather than use config to change run-time settings, you’re more likely to use the config file(s) for extra functionality like injecting variables or defining your own shortcuts to longer pypyr command sequences.

API users, be aware that you explicitly have to opt in to use the config file look-up functionality. See config initialization with the API.

Don’t worry, it’s just one extra line of code!

toml vs yaml permalink

You can configure pypyr using either the pypyr yaml config file format, or pyproject.toml, or a combination of both.

Neither is “better”. If you prefer YAML, use YAML. If your project already uses pyproject.toml, or if you just like TOML more than YAML, use that. It doesn’t matter, use whichever works for you.

You can also use both at the same time, using ./pypyr-config.yaml to over-ride or augment settings in ./pyproject.toml.

The underlying structure for pypyr settings in both the yaml and toml formats is exactly the same, it’s just that the syntax differs.

config file locations permalink

pypyr goes through a look-up sequence to find all the applicable config files for a run. The general principle is that pypyr looks in the current working directory (i.e your project directory) first, and then goes on to look for the current user’s specific config and then lastly system-wide shared global configuration.

The effective configuration for a run is the merged combination of ALL the config files found. The merge goes from specific to general - meaning config from earlier in the order of precedence will over-ride config settings found later in the sequence.

A project-specific config in the current working directory overrides user config, which in turn over-rides system-wide global config.

This allows you to check shared config into a source control repo while still over-riding individual settings for your individual/specific local machine by adding your own pypyr-config.yaml next to the pyproject.toml file.

The general look-up sequence is:

  1. ./pypyr-config.yaml
  2. ./pyproject.toml
  3. {user config dir}/pypyr/config.yaml
  4. {global config dirs}/pypyr/config.yaml

Settings from earlier in the sequence take priority over settings later in the sequence.

The location of {user config dir} and {global config dirs} depends on your platform (operating system).

Using any or using all of these file locations is entirely optional. pypyr will not raise an error if it doesn’t find a config file.

linux permalink

pypyr follows the XDG Base Directory specification for all POSIX systems.

pypyr will default to this config file look-up sequence on Linux (or any POSIX system):

  1. ./pypyr-config.yaml
  2. ./pyproject.toml
  3. ~/.config/pypyr/config.yaml
  4. /etc/xdg/pypyr/config.yaml

You can control the location of the user config directory with the environment variable ${XDG_CONFIG_HOME} and for shared system-wide global config with ${XDG_CONFIG_DIRS}. If these environment variables are not set, pypyr will use the XDG Base Dir defaults as given above.

macos permalink

pypyr will default to this config file look-up sequence on MacOs:

  1. ./pypyr-config.yaml
  2. ./pyproject.toml
  3. ~/.config/pypyr/config.yaml
  4. /Library/Application Support/pypyr/config.yaml

On MacOs pypyr will also honor the XDG Base Dir environment variables if these exist.

windows permalink

pypyr will default to this config file look-up sequence on Windows:

  1. .\pypyr-config.yaml
  2. .\pyproject.toml
  3. ~\.config\pypyr\config.yaml
  4. C:\ProgramData\pypyr\config.yaml

pypyr will honor however you’ve configured your Windows installation’s home and shared config folders.

~ refers to the home directory, which is given by the %USERPROFILE% environment variable. Generally this is going to be C:\Users\YourUserName.

Windows gives the location for the shared system-wide config with the %ALLUSERSPROFILE% environment variable - the default is C:\ProgramData.

See Windows help for the proper method to change the default locations for %USERPROFILE% and %ALLUSERSPROFILE%.

I’d love to give you a link, but it’s not immediately obvious what, if any, the One True Way is, so how you do it is up to you. Enjoy the research journey ;-).

(Feel free to get in touch if you find a definitive answer!)

On Windows pypyr will also honor the XDG Base Dir environment variables if these exist.

yaml format permalink

This is the pypyr yaml config format. The format is the same whether you are configuring per project with ./pypyr-config.yaml or user/global with pypyr/config.yaml.

This example shows all the possible properties with some typical values. If you’re copying & pasting, remove the ones you are not using - you only need to specify properties you actually want to change.

default_backoff: fixed
default_cmd_encoding: utf-8
default_encoding: utf-8
default_failure_group: on_failure
default_group: steps
default_loader: pypyr.loaders.file
default_success_group: on_success
json_ascii: false
json_indent: 2
  version: 1
      class: logging.StreamHandler
      formatter: brief
      level: INFO
      stream: ext://sys.stdout
      class: logging.handlers.RotatingFileHandler
      formatter: precise
      filename: logconfig.log
      maxBytes: 1024
      backupCount: 3
      format: '%(message)s'
      format: '%(asctime)s %(levelname)-8s %(name)-15s %(message)s'
      datefmt: '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'
      level: DEBUG
        - console
        - file
log_date_format: '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'
log_detail_format: '%(asctime)s %(levelname)s:%(name)s:%(funcName)s: %(message)s'
log_notify_format: '%(message)s'
no_cache: False
pipelines_subdir: pipelines
    pipeline_name: /mydir/my-pipeline
      akey: a value
      anotherkey: 123
  myvar: myvalue
    - one
    - two
    key1: value1
    key2: value2

pypyr will read the yaml file in the default system encoding. This is usually utf-8, except on Windows. You can explicitly set which encoding to use with the PYPYR_ENCODING environment variable.

pyproject.toml permalink

pypyr configuration in pyproject.toml goes under the [tool.pypyr] table.

Note that the yaml format shown above and toml configuration under [tool.pypyr] is structurally identical, it’s just the syntax that differs between the formats.

Here is an excerpt showing all the possible pypyr config properties in pyproject.toml with some typical values. If you’re copying & pasting, remove the ones you’re not using - you only need to specify properties you actually want to change.

default_backoff = "fixed"
default_cmd_encoding = "utf-8"
default_encoding = "utf-8"
default_failure_group = "on_failure"
default_group = "steps"
default_loader = "pypyr.loaders.file"
default_success_group = "on_success"
json_ascii = false
json_indent = 2
log_date_format = "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"
log_detail_format = "%(asctime)s %(levelname)s:%(name)s:%(funcName)s: %(message)s"
log_notify_format = "%(message)s"
no_cache = false
pipelines_subdir = "pipelines"

version = 1

class = "logging.StreamHandler"
formatter = "brief"
level = "INFO"
stream = "ext://sys.stdout"

backupCount = 3
class = "logging.handlers.RotatingFileHandler"
filename = "logconfig.log"
formatter = "precise"
maxBytes = 1024

format = "%(message)s"

datefmt = "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"
format = "%(asctime)s %(levelname)-8s %(name)-15s %(message)s"

handlers = ["console", "file"]
level = "DEBUG"

    pipeline_name = "/mydir/my-pipeline"
    args = {akey = "a value", anotherkey = 123 }

mydict = {key1 = "value1", key2 = "value2"}
mylist = ["one", "two"]
myvar = "myvalue"

For the official specification on pyproject.toml see PEP 518 and PEP 621.

Per spec, TOML must always be in utf-8.

config properties permalink

default_backoff permalink

The default retry backoff strategy to use on error retries.

Default value is fixed.

default_cmd_encoding permalink

Set the default encoding for the cmd and shell steps.

This applies to both the serial and parallel versions of these steps.

The value for default_cmd_encoding initializes from the PYPYR_CMD_ENCODING environment variable. If the value is not set, pypyr will use locale.getpreferredencoding(False).

You can override the environment variable locally or globally by setting the value for default_cmd_encoding in any of the applicable config files.

Individual steps can always override this value by setting encoding directly on the step input.

See default_encoding for details on possible input values and how to set the Python runtime to use UTF-8 globally.

default_encoding permalink

Sets the default encoding to use for all text file operations.

If you explicitly set encoding on any filesystem step it will override this default for that particular step.

The default value of [None/null/not specified] means to use the platform default encoding as given by the Python runtime. This is the eminently sensible utf-8 for most systems, but be aware on Windows it’s still cp1252.

To check your platform’s default encoding, do:

import locale

You can find the possible values for encoding here: Python standard encodings

The value for default_encoding initializes from the PYPYR_ENCODING environment variable. If the PYPYR_ENCODING environment variable is not set, pypyr will take this to mean to use the system default. This subtlety is important if you want to set the encoding for reading the pypyr yaml config files - pypyr will use the value of the PYPYR_ENCODING $env to initialize config and bootstrap reading the yaml config files, after which point any default_encoding set in the config files will over-ride the environment variable’s value.

Windows users, it might be an idea to set your over-all Python runtime to use utf-8 like all other modern platforms do. Then you wouldn’t need to worry about any of this.

See PEP 0540.

TLDR; Set the environment variable PYTHONUTF8 to 1.

default_failure_group permalink

Default step-group to run on unhandled error condition in pipeline.

You can over-ride this default with any of the following:

Default value is on_failure.

default_group permalink

The default step-group name to run in a pipeline.

You can override this default with any of the following:

Default value is steps.

default_loader permalink

The default pipeline loader to use to find & load pipelines.

This is the absolute module name of the loader. If you’ve not installed it as a package into your environment, it should resolve from the current working directory.

You can override this default with any of the following:

Default value is pypyr.loaders.file.

default_success_group permalink

The default step-group to run on success completion of a pipeline.

You can over-ride this default with any of the following:

Default value is on_success.

json_ascii permalink

If true, any of the steps that dump json will escape all non-ASCII characters so that the resulting output only contains ASCII characters.

Default value is false, meaning to output as is.

json_indent permalink

Pretty print any output json to this indent level.

None means the most compact representation (everything in one line).

An empty string "", 0 or negative number will only insert newlines.

Default value is 2.

log_config permalink

Initialize logging configuration from a dict/mapping.

The schema for this is here: Python Configuration Dictionary Schema.

Note that if you set this log_config property it’s up to you to configure the logging entirely. pypyr will ignore all the other log_ configuration settings.

Default value is None or empty.

log_date_format permalink

The date format to use in log output.

Note that pypyr ignores this setting if you set log_config.

Default value is %Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.

log_detail_format permalink

What logging output looks like when you explicitly set the log-level by passing value to cli arg --log

$ pypyr mypipeline --log 20

When you do NOT pass the --log arg, pypyr will use the log_notify_format.

Note that pypyr ignores this setting if you set log_config.

Default value is %(asctime)s %(levelname)s:%(name)s:%(funcName)s: %(message)s.

log_notify_format permalink

What logging output looks like when you do NOT explicitly set the log-level by passing value to cli arg --log.

This is what you see when you run pypyr without doing anything special:

$ pypyr mypipeline

When you also pass --log, pypyr will use the log_detail_format.

Note that pypyr ignores this setting if you set log_config.

Default value is %(message)s.

no_cache permalink

Set True to disable caching. When no_cache is True, pypyr will not retrieve anything from the built-in caches, and pypyr will also not save anything to the caches.

This flag is mostly relevant to API consumers. If you use pypyr via the CLI you are very unlikely to need this flag, because each new CLI invocation of pypyr loads everything fresh anyway, without using any cache.

pypyr caches items that are slower to load and parse, such as:

  • pipeline yaml
  • steps
  • context parsers
  • pipeline loaders

Enabling no_cache does not clear anything that is already in cache. If you want to purge existing cache entries, use pypyr.cache.admin like this:

import pypyr.cache.admin as cache_admin


See this example of how to call pypyr programmatically with no cache mode.

pipelines_subdir permalink

The fallback look-up location sub-directory of the current working directory where the default file loader looks for pipelines.

Default value is pipelines. This means to look in {cwd}/pipelines/.

shortcuts permalink

Create shortcuts to longer pypyr command sequences, saving you valuable typing time and preventing keyboard wear-and-tear.

A shortcut allows you to save longer command sequences and input args so you can use a friendly short alias to run a pipeline instead.

You can run your shortcut directly from the cli like this:

$ pypyr my-shortcut

If pypyr finds a matching shortcut name, it will load & initialize the pipeline based upon the inputs you set in the shortcut.

See shortcuts for details & examples.

Default value is empty.

vars permalink

Inject these key-value pairs into your pipeline using pypyr.steps.configvars.

Default value is empty.

environment variables permalink

In order to bootstrap the configuration process, you can use the following environment variables:


Initialize the default_cmd_encoding config setting with this value.

See default_cmd_encoding for details.


If set, do NOT look in the usual platform specific locations for user & global config, but use this yaml file instead.

If set, the config file look-up sequence is:

  1. ./pypyr-config.yaml
  2. ./pyproject.toml

The value of PYPYR_CONFIG_GLOBAL should be the full path to the yaml configuration file - for example /mydir/myfile.yaml or C:\mydir\myfile.yaml.


The name of the project specific yaml configuration file to look for in the current working directory.

The default value is pypyr-config.yaml.


Initialize the default_encoding config setting with this value. This is especially useful to bootstrap the encoding to use to read the yaml config files themselves.

If you set the PYPYR_ENCODING environment variable pypyr will use that for everything by default unless you override it with the default_encoding setting in one of your config files.

See default_encoding for details.

PYPYR_NO_CACHE permalink

Set to 1 to bypass all caching. See no cache for details.


Set to 1 to skip the config file look-up sequence entirely. If 1, will just use the default values for everything - which is everything pypyr needs for a no-frills vanilla run.

Skipping the config initialization will (somewhat) improve performance, but this is unlikely to be something you’d notice if you’re just running pypyr as a cli.

API users, note that even if you call config.init() explicitly, setting PYPYR_SKIP_INIT to 1 will still bypass the file look-up sequence.

Defaults to 0. When PYPYR_SKIP_INIT does not exist or is 0, pypyr will do the config file look-up sequence on each run from the CLI.

troubleshooting permalink

You can see what config pypyr has found by running the built-in config-show pipeline:

$ pypyr config-show

Under WRITEABLE PROPERTIES the output shows a comprehensive listing of the effective config settings merged from all the config sources found.

If you’re trying to figure out why your config is not working, look under COMPUTED PROPERTIES for:

  • config_loaded_paths
    • List of all the config files found and loaded, given in order loaded.
    • Config from later files overrides config from earlier files.
    • Only lists a file if there were pypyr properties found in it. So if your pyproject.toml does not have a [tool.pypyr] table pypyr will NOT list the file under config_loaded_paths.
  • platform_paths
    • Locations where pypyr will look for config files, even if it doesn’t find anything at those locations.
    • This shows you where pypyr will look for config files based on the platform and/or environment variables giving that platform’s config directories. This does NOT mean there necessarily are files at those locations.
    • By contrast, config_loaded_paths gives the files that pypyr actually found.

In this example partial output of $ pypyr config-show, pypyr did not find any config files (config_loaded_paths is empty), whereas platform_paths shows you where pypyr looked for those files:


config_loaded_paths: []
cwd: /Users/captainhook/git/pypyr/pypyr-example
is_macos: True
is_posix: False
is_windows: False
platform: darwin
  config_user: /Users/captainhook/.config/pypyr/config.yaml
    - /Library/Application Support/pypyr/config.yaml
  data_dir_user: /Users/captainhook/.local/share/pypyr
    - /Library/Application Support/pypyr
skip_init: False

If pypyr found both ./pyproject.toml and ./pypyr-config.yaml in the current directory for project specific config, you’ll see:


  - pyproject.toml
  - pypyr-config.yaml

Remember that pypyr will merge the config settings found in all the loaded files in the order given in config file locations - so here settings in pypyr-config.yaml will override settings in pyproject.toml.

Properties from files later in the config_loaded_paths list take priority over properties from files earlier in list.

You can see the effective settings (i.e the final result of the merge) under WRITEABLE PROPERTIES.

last updated on .