loops permalink

You can loop (or iterate) over any given step in a pypyr pipeline.

This means you can repeatedly run or loop over your own custom commands without writing any code.

Looping happens on the step-level, using the following step decorators:

The difference is that foreach iterates over every element in an iterable (such as a list), whereas while keeps on looping until a stop condition evaluates True.

If you want to retry a step automatically until it succeeds, you can use retry instead of coding your own loop with your own error handling.

You can specify a foreach or while loop on any given step. You can also nest foreach and while loops on the same step.

foreach permalink

Here is a simple foreach loop in action. For the sake of an easy example, we’re just calling echo here, but you can run any command you’d like.

The iterator is {i}. This is the current item on each iteration of the foreach iterable.

# ./foreach-example.yaml
  - name: pypyr.steps.cmd
    comment: loop over your own command
    foreach: ['apple', 'pear', 'banana']
      cmd: echo mycommand --arg={i}

Running this will result in:

$ pypyr foreach-example
mycommand --arg=apple
mycommand --arg=pear
mycommand --arg=banana


while permalink

A while loop iterates until a stop condition is True, such as any given boolean expression evaluating True, or if it reaches a certain number of iterations.

The current iteration count is {whileCounter}.

while with max count permalink

Here is a simple example of a while loop that continues until it reaches a maximum iteration count:

# ./while-max-example
  - name: pypyr.steps.cmd
      max: 3
      cmd: echo mycommand --arg={whileCounter}

Running this will result in:

$ pypyr while-max-example
mycommand --arg=1
mycommand --arg=2
mycommand --arg=3


while with stop condition permalink

Here is a simple example of a while loop that continues until a stop condition is True. In this example we’re using a py step to run some custom inline python for every loop iteration, but as ever, you can use any step you’d like (including running your own external command or script via cmd).

# ./while-stop-example
  - name: pypyr.steps.py
      stop: !py arb_value > 5
      py: |
        arb_value = whileCounter * 2

Running this will result in:

$ pypyr while-stop-example


retry permalink

If you specifically want to loop over a step until it succeeds, you don’t have to construct your own while loop, you can use pypyr’s retry decorator instead.

The retry decorator supports adding a sleep interval between retries with various back-off strategies.

This example will automatically retry a command up to 3 times and only continue if the command succeeds within the max limit:

# ./retry-example
  - name: pypyr.steps.cmd
      max: 3
      cmd: mycommand --arg=myvalue

If you want to retry infinitely, set max: 0.

See the Getting Started guide for pypyr error handling for full details on error handling concepts.

using variables to loop permalink

You can parameterize your looping statements with variables. You can set variables in preceding steps, pass variables from the cli, use environment variables or even load your variables from a separate configuration file using something like fetchjson or fetchyaml.

foreach permalink

In this example we’re going to loop over every argument given to the cli and inject it into a custom command:

# ./foreach-variable-example.yaml
context_parser: pypyr.parser.list
  - name: pypyr.steps.set
    comment: set defaults for optional cli args
    run: !py len(argList) == 0
        argList: ['one', 'two']

  - name: pypyr.steps.cmd
    foreach: '{argList}'
      cmd: echo mycommand --arg={i}

This example just uses the argList from the pypyr.parser.list context parser, but you can use any list you might have in your context.

$ pypyr foreach-variable-example
mycommand --arg=one
mycommand --arg=two

$ pypyr foreach-variable-example four five
mycommand --arg=four
mycommand --arg=five

while permalink

You can use variables with any looping decorator. Here is an example using a while loop where an environment variable controls the maximum iteration limit.

# ./while-variable-example.yaml
  - name: pypyr.steps.envget
    comment: get $ARB environment variable
        env: ARB
        key: my_counter
        default: 3

  - name: pypyr.steps.cmd
      max: '{my_counter}'
      cmd: echo mycommand --arg={whileCounter}

If the $ARB environment variable does not exist, we use a default value of 3 instead.

$ pypyr while-variable-example
mycommand --arg=1
mycommand --arg=2
mycommand --arg=3

$ ARB=2 pypyr while-variable-example
mycommand --arg=1
mycommand --arg=2

looping over multiple steps permalink

If you want to loop over multiple steps as a unit, group these into a custom step-group and then use call.

Alternatively, you can use pype to invoke another pipeline repeatedly in a loop.

Either way, you can use foreach and/or while as you choose on these steps.

# ./foreach-call-example
  - name: pypyr.steps.call
    foreach: ['apple', 'pear', 'banana']
      call: my_step_group

  - name: pypyr.steps.echo
      echoMe: processing '{i}'

  - name: pypyr.steps.cmd
      cmd: echo mycommand --arg={i}

This example just has an echo step and a cmd step in the step-group to illustrate the point - you can have as many useful steps in a custom step-group as you want. This is what it looks like at runtime:

$ pypyr foreach-call-example
processing 'apple'
mycommand --arg=apple
processing 'pear'
mycommand --arg=pear
processing 'banana'
mycommand --arg=banana

see also

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