pipeline look-up order permalink

absolute vs relative paths permalink

You can pass absolute or relative paths to pypyr.

$ pypyr pipeline-name # relative path: ./pipeline-name.yaml

$ pypyr subdir/pipeline-name # relative path: ./subdir/pipeline-name.yaml

$ pypyr /subdir/pipeline-name # absolute path: /subdir/pipeline-name.yaml

$ pypyr ~/subdir/pipeline-name # absolute path: /Users/username/subdir/pipeline-name.yaml
$ pypyr pipeline-name # relative path: .\pipeline-name.yaml

$ pypyr subdir/pipeline-name # relative path: .\subdir\pipeline-name.yaml

$ pypyr c:/subdir/pipeline-name # absolute path: c:\subdir\pipeline-name.yaml

$ pypyr $home/subdir/pipeline-name # absolute path: C:\Users\username\subdir\pipeline-name.yaml

For relative paths, pypyr first looks for pipelines, any custom steps & other code in the current working directory. This is the directory from which you invoke pypyr.

Simply put, by default, this is the directory you’re currently in when you invoke pypyr from the cli.

Windows users, you can specify paths with / or \ as directory separator. pypyr will resolve either correctly for you.

When you’re working with files and you want to have a cross-platform compatible pipeline and you’re using relative paths, front-slash / is the way to go.

directory locations lookup order permalink

pypyr first checks for a matching shortcut name.

If no matching shortcut exists, pypyr moves on to look for the pipeline with the default loader.

By default pypyr uses the built-in file loader to find & load pipelines from the filesystem.

For absolute paths, pypyr just looks for the pipeline at that specific location.

For relative paths, pypyr searches a specific sequence of locations for pipelines matching the pipeline name:

  1. {current dir}/
  2. {current dir}/pipelines/
  3. {pypyr install dir}/pipelines/

Instead of {current dir}/pipelines/ you can set the name of the sub-directory in {current dir} using pipelines_subdir in config.

{pypyr install dir} is where-ever you installed the currently running instance of pypyr. Very likely, this is either in your default python path, or the currently active virtual environment:

{your python environment}/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pypyr/pipelines/
The last look-up in {pypyr-install-dir} is for pypyr built-in pipelines. You probably shouldn’t be saving your own pipelines there, they might get over-written or wiped by upgrades or re-installs.

pipeline name matching permalink

To make your life easier when you edit your pipelines in your favorite yaml editor, do use the .yaml extension for your pipeline files.

Still to make your life easier, don’t add the .yaml when you invoke pypyr with your pipeline-name. pypyr always appends .yaml to your input pipeline name for you under the hood, for both absolute and relative paths.

When you run:

$ pypyr pipeline-name

pypyr will look in these locations in this order:

  1. shortcut name == pipeline-name
  2. ./pipeline-name.yaml
  3. ./pipelines/pipeline-name.yaml
  4. {pypyr-install-dir}/pipelines/pipeline-name.yaml

pipelines in sub-directories permalink

To organize your pipelines, you can save your pipelines in whatever directory structure you please.

    |-- pipe-0.yaml
    |-- mydir
         |-- subdir1
             |-- pipe-1.yaml
             |-- pipe-2.yaml
         |-- subdir2
             |-- pipe-3.yaml
         |-- pipe-4.yaml

You can run these pipelines like this:

$ pypyr pipe-0

$ pypyr mydir/subdir1/pipe-1

$ pypyr mydir/subdir1/pipe-2

$ pypyr mydir/subdir2/pipe-3

$ pypyr mydir/pipe-4

shared pipeline libraries permalink

If you had a shared pipeline library on your file-system, for example at /Users/captainhook/shared-pipelines/, you can run your pipelines from anywhere else like this:

# print current dir
$ echo $PWD

# run pipeline in another dir
$ pypyr ~/shared-pipelines/subdir/my-shared-pipe
# assuming powershell
# print current dir
$ echo $pwd

# run pipeline in another dir
$ pypyr $home/shared-pipelines/subdir/my-shared-pipe

The above example will run ~/shared-pipelines/subdir/my-shared-pipe.yaml. Any child pipelines or custom code modules called by my-shared-pipe will resolve relative to my-shared-pipe’s location.

    |- captainhook/
        |- shared-pipelines/
            |- subdir/
                |- my-shared-pipe.yaml
                |- mystep.py
                |- sub-pipe.yaml

This means you can code your pipeline to be portable by calling child pipelines or custom python modules relative to the parent pipeline’s location on the file-system. Here is my-shared-pipe, using a child pipeline and a custom step relative to itself:

# ~/shared-pipelines/subdir/my-shared-pipe.yaml
    - name: pypyr.steps.pype
      comment: call child pipeline sub-pipe.yaml
               resolves relative to current pipeline dir.
            name: sub-pipe # sub-pipe in same dir as current pipeline
    - mystep # looks for mystep.py relative to current pipeline

You can run my-shared-pipe from any location and it will work - all its references resolves relative to itself.

see also

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