pipeline yaml structure permalink

pypyr pipeline format permalink

A pipeline is a .yaml file. pypyr uses YAML version 1.2.

Save pipelines wherever you please. To run a pipeline, execute pypyr pipelinename from the directory where you saved pipelinename.yaml

# This is an example showing the anatomy of a pypyr pipeline
# A pipeline should be saved as {working dir}/mypipelinename.yaml.
# Run the pipeline from {working dir} like this: pypyr mypipelinename

# optional. set this to pass cli arguments to the pipeline.
context_parser: my.custom.parser

# mandatory.
steps: # step-group. every pipeline starts with steps unless you tell pypyr differently.
  - my.package.my.module # simple step pointing at a python module in a package
  - mymodule # simple step pointing at a python file
  - name: my.package.another.module # complex step. It contains a description and in parameters.
    description: Optional description is for humans. It's any text that makes your life easier.
    in: # optional. Set these key-value pairs in context for this step.
      parameter1: value1
      parameter2: value2
    run: True # optional. Runs this step if True, skips step if False. Defaults True if not specified.
    skip: False # optional. Skips this step if True, runs step if False. Defaults False if not specified.
    swallow: False # optional. Swallows any errors raised by the step. Defaults False if not specified.

# optional.
on_success: # step-group
  - my.first.success.step
  - my.second.success.step

# optional.
on_failure: # step-group
  - my.failure.handler.step
  - my.failure.handler.notifier

You don’t have to specify on_success and/or on_failure if you don’t feel the need. pypyr will just skip these if you don’t set them.

step groups permalink

default step groups permalink

pypyr looks for 3 different step groups on a default run:

  • steps
  • on_success (optional)
  • on_failure (optional)


# the default pypyr step-groups
steps: # 'steps' is the default step-group that runs 1st
  - steps.step1 # will run ./steps/step1.py
  - arb.step2 # will run ./arb/step2.py

on_success: # on_success executes when pipeline completes successfully
  - success_step # will run ./success_step.py

on_failure: # on_failure executes whenever pipeline hits an error
  - steps.failure_step # will run ./steps/failure_step.py

steps permalink

steps is a list of steps to execute in sequence. A step is simply a bit of python that does stuff.

steps is the default entry-point for a pypyr pipeline. This means that if you run a pipeline like so

$ pypyr mypipe bread circuses

pypyr will looks for the steps group in ./mypipe.yaml as an entry-point. bread and circuses are the context arguments that the context-parser can use to initialize the context.

You can use pypyr’s built-in steps, or you can very easily make your own custom steps. Don’t hesitate to roll your own step, it’s really easy, no jokes!

on_success permalink

on_success is a list of steps to execute in sequence. Runs when steps: completes successfully. This is optional: if on_success isn’t specified, pypyr will just finish the pipeline reporting success without a problem.

You can use pypyr’s built-in steps or code your own steps that you use exactly like you would for the steps step-group - it uses the same function signature.

on_success is handy if your pipeline jumps between different step-groups but you still want to run a common sequence at the end after everything is done.

Typical uses are to send a notification or do some clean-up when the pipeline sequence completes.

on_failure permalink

on_failure is a list of steps to execute in sequence. Runs when any of the above hits an unhandled exception.

This is optional: if on_failure isn’t specified, pypyr will just finish the pipeline reporting the error.

See here for more details on how failure handlers work.

When on_failure completes, pypyr will quit and report an error, with a non-zero exit code. In other words, on_failure doesn’t swallow the exception for you, it just gives you the opportunity to do something about it. If you want to cancel the error condition, see how to quit failure handler without raising error.

If on_failure encounters another exception while processing an exception, then pypyr will log and report both that exception and the original cause’s exception, although the original cause exception is what pypyr highlights on CLI exit and raises to API consumers.

You can use built-in steps or code your own steps exactly like you would for the steps step-group - it uses the same function signature.

custom step groups permalink

You don’t have to stick to these default step-groups, though. You can specify your own step-groups, or mix in your own step-groups with the defaults.

# ./step-groups-example.yaml
  - name: pypyr.steps.echo
      echoMe: sg1.1
  - name: pypyr.steps.echo
      echoMe: sg1.2
  - name: pypyr.steps.echo
      echoMe: sg2.1
  - name: pypyr.steps.echo
      echoMe: sg2.2
  - name: pypyr.steps.echo
      echoMe: sg3.1
  - name: pypyr.steps.echo
      echoMe: sg3.2
  - name: pypyr.steps.echo
      echoMe: sg4.1
  - name: pypyr.steps.echo
      echoMe: sg4.2

You can use the --groups switch to specify which groups you want to run and in what order:

$ pypyr step-groups-example --groups sg2 sg1 sg3

This command will run, in order, sg2 -> sg1 -> sg3

Here’s a ready cooked example of custom step-groups in action.

If you don’t specify --groups pypyr will just look for the standard steps group as per usual. You can still call or jump to other step-groups from the default steps group, so you could think of steps a bit like the main() entry-point in traditional programming.

# ./steps-with-custom-group.yaml
# use steps as default entry point
  - name: pypyr.steps.echo
      echoMe: begin
  - name: pypyr.steps.jump
      jump: my_group

  - name: pypyr.steps.echo
      echoMe: my_group step 1
  - name: pypyr.steps.echo
      echoMe: my_group step 2

# default on_success runs after everything complete
  - name: pypyr.steps.echo
      echoMe: end!

This will result in:

$ pypyr steps-with-custom-group
my_group step 1
my_group step 2

see also

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