aws built-in steps permalink

pypyr has a whole bunch of ready-made built-in steps to make your life easier when interacting with AWS.

titledescriptioninput context
clientExecute any low-level AWS client method.awsClientIn (dict)
ecswaitprepRun me after an ecs task run or stop to prepare an ecs waiter.

awsClientOut (dict)

awsEcsWaitPrepCluster (str)

s3fetchjsonFetch a json file from s3 into the pypyr context.s3Fetch (dict)
s3fetchyamlFetch a yaml file from s3 into the pypyr context.s3Fetch (dict)
waitWait for an aws client waiter method to complete.awsWaitIn (dict)
waitforWait for any aws client method to complete, even when it doesn’t have an official waiter.awsWaitFor (dict)
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