pypyrslack.steps.send permalink

Send a message to slack.

input permalink

Requires the following context items:

  • slackToken
    • your slack api token. Keep this secure.
  • slackChannel
    • send to this slack channel (include # in front)
  • slackText
    • the body of your message. Use your usual slack formatting chars.

substitutions permalink

For all inputs you can use substitution tokens, aka string interpolation. This substitutes anything between curly braces with the context value for that key. For example, if your context looked like this:

arbitraryValue: pypyrchannel
arbitraryText: down the
moreArbText: wild
slackChannel: "#{arbitraryValue}"
slackText: "piping {arbitraryText} valleys {moreArbText}"

This will result in sending a message to #pypyrchannel with text:

piping down the values wild

Escape literal curly braces with doubles: {{ for {, }} for }

Substitutions support much more powerful functionality, which you can find at text {substitution} formatting expressions.

example permalink

Here is some sample yaml of what a pipeline using the pypyr-slack plug-in could look like:

  - name: pypyr.steps.env
    comment: slack api token in environment variable
          slackToken: SLACK_TOKEN
  - name: pypyr.steps.set
        slackChannel: "#random"
  - name: pypyrslack.steps.send
      slackText: "pypyr is busy doing things :construction:"

# The slackToken and slackChannel have already been set in steps
# on_success and on_failure are just changing the text for the message.
  - name: pypyrslack.steps.send
      slackText: "that went well! :hotdog:"

  - name: pypyrslack.steps.send
    comment: override the channel to send failures to their
             own special channel.
      slackChannel: "#failure-notification-channel"
      slackText: "whoops! :rage1:"

If you saved this yaml as ./hoping-for-a-hotdog.yaml, you can run the following:

$ pypyr hoping-for-a-hotdog

See a worked example for sending messages via pypyr slack.

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