pypyr.steps.assert permalink

stop pipeline execution if condition false permalink

Assert that something is True or equal to something else. The step raises an exception of type AssertionError if the assertion fails.

You can express an assert in three different ways:

  - name: pypyr.steps.assert
    comment: evaluates `assert` as truthy
      assert: '{evaluateMe}'
  - name: pypyr.steps.assert
    comment: evaluate `this` as truthy
        this: '{evaluateMe}'
  - name: pypyr.steps.assert
    comment: assert that two things are equal
        this: '{complexThing1}'
        equals: '{complexThing2}'

The first two mostly do the same thing, so use whichever pleases your eye more. The only difference is in how pypyr processes mappings for truthy.

Uses these context keys:

  • assert - evaluate this as truthy when this or equals do not exist.
    • this (optional)
      • If equals not specified, evaluates as a boolean truthy.
    • equals (optional)
      • If specified, compares this to equals
    • msg(optional)
      • If specified, use this value as a custom error message if the assert is False.

If this evaluates to False raises error.

If you also specify equals, raises error if this != equals.

When you do specify an equals condition, you must also have a this condition set to which to compare it.

All inputs support string substitutions.

set custom error message permalink

Use the msg input to set a custom error message if you want to output more information about the failure condition.

- name: pypyr.steps.assert
  comment: evaluate `this` as truthy, raise msg if it's false.
      this: '{evaluateMe}'
      msg: informative error message here

- name: pypyr.steps.assert
  comment: Compare `this` to `equals`, raise msg if it's false.
      this: 'known value'
      equals: '{arb_key}'
      msg: informative error message here, {arb_key} value was wrong.

Notice you can also use {substitutions} in your custom message.

truthy bool evaluation permalink

The standard Python truth value testing rules apply.

Simply put, this means that 1, TRUE, True and true will be True.

None or empty, 0,'', [], {} will be False.

pypyr will interpret case insensitive string "true", "1" & "1.0" as boolean True. All other string values, including empty string, evaluate to False.

This is generally not what typical programming languages do on a strict string truthy, where any given string value other than null/empty will evaluate True, but more often than not within the context of a pipeline where you are processing text-based flags it saves you some footwork specially having to cast strings to booleans first.

If you do want the more typical string truthy evaluation, use an explicit py-string like this:

myString: arbitrary string here

assert: !py bool(myString)

asserting mappings as truthy permalink

If you happen to be asserting a mapping (aka dictionary) that contains a “this” or “equals” key that is not meant as a pypyr instruction, use the 2nd form where you set your mapping as the this condition.

If your mapping/dict doesn’t contain a non-pypyr this/equals, feel free to save yourself some typing and use the simplified assert: '{mydict}' form.

- name: pypyr.steps.assert
  comment: setting assert to an arbitrary mapping  
           evaluates the whole mapping as truthy.
      mykey: my value
      anotherkey: another value
    assert: '{arb_dict}'

- name: pypyr.steps.assert
  comment: if your mapping has a "this" or "equals" that 
           is not meant for pypyr, you can prevent pypyr 
           from interpreting it as a processing instruction 
           by setting the mapping under "this".
      mykey: my value
      this: this "this" is not meant as a pypyr instruction
      equals: this "equals" is not meant as a pypyr instruction
      this: '{arb_dict_with_this}'

examples permalink

boolean & truthy permalink

assert: False # stop pipeline

assert: True # continue pipeline

assert: '{myObj}' # evaluate myObj as truthy

substitutions permalink

interestingValue: True

assert: '{interestingValue}' # continue with pipeline

non-0 numbers evaluate to True permalink

assert: 1 # non-0 numbers assert to True. continue with pipeline

string equality permalink

  this: 'up the valleys wild'
  equals: 'down the valleys wild' # strings not equal. stop pipeline.

string equality with substitutions permalink

k1: 'down'
k2: 'down'

  this: '{k1} the valleys wild'
  equals: '{k2} the valleys wild' # substituted strings equal. continue pipeline.

number equality permalink

  this: 123.45
  equals: 0123.450 # numbers equal. continue with pipeline.

number equality with substitutions permalink

numberOne: 123.45
numberTwo: 678.9

  this: '{numberOne}'
  equals: '{numberTwo}' # substituted numbers not equal. Stop pipeline.

existence check permalink

You can check if a key exists in context using a py string expression:

myvar: 123

# myvar exists in context. continue with pipeline.
assert: !py "'myvar' in locals()"

# only continue if myvar does NOT exist in context.
assert: !py "'myvar' not in locals()"

complex types permalink

  - thing1
  - k1: value1
    k2: value2
      - sub list 1
      - sub list 2

  - thing1
  - k1: value1
    k2: value2
      - sub list 1
      - sub list 2

  this: '{complexOne}'
  equals: '{complexTwo}' # substituted types equal. Continue pipeline.

worked example permalink

See a worked example for assert.

see also

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