pypyr.steps.fileformattoml permalink

find & replace tokens in toml file permalink

Parses input toml file and creates an output toml file while substituting {tokens} in the source toml from the pypyr context.

Pretty much does the same thing as pypyr.steps.fileformat, only it makes it easier to work with curly braces for substitutions without tripping over any structural curly braces in the source toml.

This step does not preserve comments or whitespace. Use fileformat or filereplace if you want to preserve comments/whitespace.

Given an input toml file like this ./myfile.toml:

k1 = "v1"
k3 = "{replaceMeString}"
k4 = "{replaceMeInt}"
k5 = "{replaceMeBool}"
"{replaceMeKey}" = "this will replace the key"

"k2.1" = "v2.1"

mylist = [
  "START {replaceMeNested} END",
  {first = "{replaceMeInline}", last = 456},

And a pipeline like this:

  - name: pypyr.steps.set
    comment: set some arbitrary values in context
      replaceMeString: this was replaced by pypyr
      replaceMeInt: 420
      replaceMeBool: false
      replaceMeNested: doesn't matter where you are in the nesting structure
      replaceMeKey: keyfrompypyr
      replaceMeInline: 123

  - name: pypyr.steps.fileformattoml
    comment: read a toml from disk, do some substitutions, write back out.
          in: my-file.toml
          out: out/

The formatted output toml file at ./out/my-file.toml looks like this:

k1 = "v1"
k3 = "this was replaced by pypyr"
k4 = 420
k5 = false
keyfrompypyr = "this will replace the key"

"k2.1" = "v2.1"

mylist = [
    "START doesn't matter where you are in the nesting structure END",
    { first = 123, last = 456 },

Notice the inline table at the last item in the mylist array: {first = "{replaceMeInline}", last = 456}. If your toml does NOT use curly braces for inline tables, you can happily use pypyr.steps.fileformat instead of fileformattoml - it’s more memory efficient and it will preserve comments & whitespace.

type-safe token replacement permalink

Notice that you can replace values in the toml document and keep the correct type - so numbers are numbers, booleans are booleans and so forth.

Even though you always have to set the "{replacement_expression}" inside quotes in the source to ensure valid toml, pypyr will output the correct type based on the value to which the expression evaluates.

You can also use replacement expressions in the toml document’s keys.

multiple files & globs permalink

fileformattoml expects the following context keys:

  • fileFormatToml
    • in
      • Mandatory path(s) to source file on disk.
      • This can be a string path to a single file, or a glob, or a list of paths and globs.
      • Each path can be a glob, a relative or absolute path.
    • out (optional)
      • Write output file to here. Will create directories in path if these do not exist already.
      • out is optional. If not specified, will edit the in files in-place.
      • If in-path refers to >1 file (e.g it’s a glob or list), out path can only be a directory - it doesn’t make sense to write >1 file to the same single file output (this is not an appender.)
      • To ensure out path means a directory and not a file, be sure to have the os path separator at the end (/ on a sensible filesystem).
      • If you specify an out directory without a file-name, out files will have the same name they had in in.

See file format settings for more examples on in/out path handling - the same processing rules apply.

Example with a glob input and a normal path in a list:

  in: [./file1.toml, ./testfiles/sub3/**/*.toml]
  # note the dir separator at the end.
  # since >1 in files, out can only be a dir.
  out: ./out/replace/

If you do not specify out, it will over-write (i.e in-place edit) all the files specified by in.

substitutions on paths permalink

The file in and out paths support substitutions, which allows you to specify paths dynamically.

- name: pypyr.steps.set
  comment: set some arb values in context
      myfilename: input-file
      myoutputfile: out/output.toml

- name: pypyr.steps.fileformattoml
  comment: you can set in & out entirely or partially with formatting expressions
        in: testfiles/{myfilename}.toml
        out: '{myoutputfile}'

encoding permalink

A TOML file must always be in utf-8, per the TOML Spec.

see also

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