pypyr.steps.pyimport permalink

import references for py strings permalink

Import module & object references to the !py string namespace.

This allows you to use any importable Python code in your !py strings.

- name: pypyr.steps.pyimport
  comment: any subsequent !py strings can use these objects
    pyImport: |
      import itertools as itools
      import math
      import urllib.parse
      from pathlib import Path
      from fractions import Fraction as myfraction
- name: pypyr.steps.set
  comment: use your pyimports anywhere you can use a formatting expression.
           here using it to eval a bool for the "run" condition.
           and also in the step arguments.
  run: !py math.sqrt(1764) == 42
      my_number: 1764
      my_url: http://arbhost/blah
      my_filename: file

      math_result: !py math.sqrt(my_number)
      url_host: !py urllib.parse.urlparse(my_url).netloc
      path_out: !py Path('dir', 'subdir', my_filename).with_suffix('.ext')
      fraction_denominator: !py myfraction(1, 3).denominator

This pipeline will result in output context like this:

  'fraction_denominator': 3,
  'math_result': 42.0,
  'my_filename': 'file',
  'my_number': 1764,
  'my_url': 'http://arbhost/blah',
  'path_out': PosixPath('dir/subdir/file.ext'),
  'url_host': 'arbhost'

Only use absolute imports, not relative.

When you call pyimport multiple times in a pipeline, it will merge the new imports into the existing set. This means you can overwrite specific objects from a previous pyimport if you use the same names or aliases on subsequent imports.

import syntax permalink

You can use all the usual absolute Python import syntax variations:

import x
import x as y

import x.y
import x.y as z

from x import y
from x import y as z

from x import y, z
from a.b import c as d, e as f

import search path permalink

Imports resolve in your current python environment. This means you can use any installed packages (usually installed via $ pip install).

You can also import your own custom modules and objects.

To help with this, pypyr also looks in the current pipeline’s directory for your .py files. This means you can use ad hoc modules saved next to your pipeline without having to package & publish the code to the current environment first.

See here for a full details of pypyr custom module import resolution rules.

Assume you have a python file saved in a mydir sub-directory like this:

# ./mydir/

def arb_function(arb_arg):
    return f'arb_function says: {arb_arg}'

Because pypyr will also look in the current pipeline’s directory for modules, mydir.mymodule will resolve on pypyr.steps.pyimport without you having to do anything special and without you having to package & install the code first.

So you can just use this ./mydir/ file from your pipeline like this:

- name: pypyr.steps.pyimport
  comment: import custom modules relative to pipeline dir.
           look for arb_function in {pipeline dir}/mydir/
    pyImport: from mydir.mymodule import arb_function

- name: pypyr.steps.echo
  comment: you can now use arb_function anywhere you use a formatting expression
    echoMe: !py arb_function('input from pipeline here')

lifetime of imported references permalink

Imports live on the context object. If you pass the same context to a child pipeline, the child pipeline will have access to the parents’ imports.

The references you import are valid for all subsequent steps (and pipelines) using the same Context instance. This means that the imported objects are available until the pipeline ends, unless you do any of the following:

  • run another pipeline with a fresh new context using pypyr.steps.pype.
    • To do this set useParentContext to False.
    • The child pipeline will not have the parent’s imports available.
    • The imports remain valid in the parent pipeline.
  • Explicitly clear the context with contextclearall.
    • Subsequent steps will not have the previous imports anymore.

see also

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