pypyr.steps.pype permalink

call another pipeline from current pipeline permalink

Run another pipeline from this step. This allows pipelines to invoke other pipelines. Why pype? Because the pypyr can pipe that song again.

pype is handy if you want to split a larger, cumbersome pipeline into smaller units. This helps testing, in that you can test smaller units as separate pipelines without having to re-run the whole big all-encompassing parent pipeline each time.

This gets pretty useful for longer running sequences where the first steps are not idempotent but you do want to iterate over the last steps in the pipeline.

Provisioning or deployment scripts frequently have this sort of pattern: where the first steps provision expensive resources in the environment and later steps just tweak settings on the existing environment.

The parent pipeline is the current, executing pipeline. The child pipeline is the pipeline you are calling from this step.

See a worked example of pype.

child pipeline execution arguments permalink

You only need to specify the pipeline name you want to call by way of minimal input arguments:

- name: pypyr.steps.pype
  comment: only pype name is required.
      name: child-pipeline # run {parent pipeline dir}/child-pipeline.yaml

There are many further optional properties you can set for more fine-grained control of the child pipeline execution:

- name: pypyr.steps.pype
  comment: call another pipeline from here
      name: pipeline-name # mandatory. string.
      args: # optional. Defaults None.
        inputkey: value
        anotherkey: anothervalue
      out: # optional. Defaults None.
        parentkey: childkey
        parentkey2: childkey2
      groups: [group1, group2] # optional. Defaults "steps".
      success: success_group # optional. Defaults "on_success".
      failure: failure_group # optional. Defaults "on_failure".
      pipeArg: argument here # optional. string.
      raiseError: True # optional. bool. Defaults True.
      skipParse: True # optional. bool. Defaults True.
      useParentContext: True  # optional. bool. Defaults True.
      loader: None # optional. string. Defaults to the parent's loader.
      resolveFromParent: True # optional. bool. Defaults True.
      pyDir: None # optional. Path-like. Resolve custom modules from this dir.

The default values apply when you do not specify an option at all.

All inputs support substitutions. This means you can dynamically set which pipeline you want to run and also set at run-time what parameters to use for the child pipeline.

name permalink

Name of child pipeline to execute. You can use relative or absolute paths. In all cases, don’t add the .yaml at the end, pypyr will do that for you.

For relative paths, the pipeline name first tries to resolve relative to the current parent pipeline’s containing directory, and if not found, then follows the usual pipeline lookup order.

|- arbdir/
  |- parent-pipe.yaml
  |- child-pipe.yaml

You can call the parent pipeline like this:

# call ./arbdir/parent-pipe.yaml
$ pypyr arbdir/parent-pipe

And then in parent-pipe use pype to call child-pipe relative to the parent:

# ./arbdir/parent-pipe.yaml
  - name: pypyr.steps.pype
        name: child-pipe # {parent pipeline dir}/child-pipe.yaml

Child pipelines can be in sub-directories relative to the parent:

# ./arbdir/parent-pipe.yaml
  - name: pypyr.steps.pype
        name: mydir/child-pipe # {parent pipeline dir}/mydir/child-pipe.yaml

Using an absolute path looks like this:

  - name: pypyr.steps.pype
        name: /mydir/mysub/child-pipe # /mydir/mysub/child-pipe.yaml

If you want to load pipelines from elsewhere, use a custom loader.

args permalink

Initialize the child pipeline context with these args.

Setting args creates a fresh context for the child pipeline that contains only the key/values that you set here. args should contain a mapping (aka a dict, in python terms). You can use complex multi-level nested hierarchies.

  name: my-pipeline # this will run ./my-pipeline.yaml
    key1: value1 # string
    key2: # nested map
      key2.1: value2.1
      key2.2: # list
        - list item 1
        - list item 2
    key3: 123 # integer
    key4: False # bool
    # formatting expression evaluate in parent before child runs
    key5: 'BEGIN {expression} END' 

If you set args, pypyr implicitly sets useParentContext to False unless you explicitly change it. Thus by default the parent context is not available in the child pipeline if you set args. More often than not this is the desired behavior, because it allows each pipeline in the execution chain to use its own context keys without having to worry about resetting or changing context keys from different pipelines that share the same name.

{Format expressions} you use in args evaluate against the parent context before the child executes.

If you explicitly set useParentContext to True AND you specify args, pypyr will merge args into the parent context in addition to applying all {formatting expressions} before running the child pipeline.

Here is an example with pipe args.

out permalink

If the child pipeline ran with a fresh new Context, because you set args or you set useParentContext to False, out saves values from the child pipeline context back to the parent context.

out can take 3 forms:

# save key1 from child to parent
out: 'key1'                     
# or save list of keys from child to parent
out: ['key1', 'key2']           
# or map child keys to different parent keys
  'parent-destination-key1': 'child-key1'  
  'parent-destination-key2': 'child-key2'  

groups permalink

Run only these step-groups in the child pipeline.

  name: my-pipeline # this will run ./my-pipeline.yaml
  # only run, in order, group1 -> group2 -> group3
  groups: [group1, group2, group3]

Equivalent to groups arg on the pypyr cli.

If you don’t set this, pypyr will just run the steps step-group as per usual.

If you only want to run a single group, you can set it simply as a string, not a list, like this:

  name: my-pipeline # this will run ./my-pipeline.yaml
  groups: mygroupname

If you set groups, success and failure do not default to on_success and on_failure anymore. In other words, pype will only run the groups you specifically specified. If you still want success/failure handlers explicitly set these with success & failure.

success permalink

Run this child step-group on successful completion of the child pipeline’s step groups.

Equivalent to success arg on the pypyr cli.

If you don’t set this, pypyr will just run the on_success step-group as per usual if it exists, assuming you did not also set groups.

If you specify success, but you don’t set groups, pypyr will default to running the standard steps group as entry-point for the child pipeline.

failure permalink

Run this child step-group on an error occurring in the child pipeline.

Equivalent to failure arg on the pypyr cli.

If you don’t set this, pypyr will just run the on_failure step-group as per usual if it exists, assuming you did not also set groups.

If you specify failure, but you don’t set groups, pypyr will default to running the standard steps group as entry-point for the child pipeline.

pipeArg permalink

String to pass to the child pipeline context_parser. Equivalent to context arg on the pypyr cli. pypyr only uses this if skipParse is False.

Assuming you have a pipeline you would call from the cli like this:

$ pypyr child-pipeline arg1=value1 arg2=value2

You can do the same thing via pype as follows:

- name: pypyr.steps.pype
  comment: call child pipeline, passing arg string 
           exactly like you would from the cli.
      name: child-pipeline
      pipeArg: arg1=value1 arg2=value2

If you set pipeArg, pypyr implicitly sets skipParse to False unless you explicitly change it. If you explicitly set skipParse to True, the child pipeline will skip the context parser even if you set a value for pipeArg.

If you set pipeArg, pypyr implicitly sets useParentContext to False unless you change it. Thus by default the parent context is not available in the child pipeline if you set pipeArg. More often than not this is the desired behavior, because it allows each pipeline in the execution chain to use its own context keys without having to worry about resetting or changing context keys from different pipelines that share the same name.

If you explicitly set useParentContext to True in addition to using pipeArg, pypyr will merge all specified values into the parent context.

Generally, prefer to use args or useParentContext=True instead of passing parameters to the child pipeline via pipeArg.

pipeArg is relatively brittle, in that the child pipeline’s context parser will have to parse the pipeArg string to initialize the child context, making for extra inefficient processing. But if you have a good reason to prefer the context_parser running, by all means do so.

If you combine args and pipeArg, pypyr will merge values resulting from both into the child context. In this case, if also useParentContext is True, args and pipeArg both merge into the parent context.

raiseError permalink

If True, errors in child raise up to parent.

If False, log and swallow any errors that happen during the child pipeline’s execution. Swallowing means that the parent pipeline will carry on with the next step even if an error occurs in the child pipeline.

skipParse permalink

If True, skip the context_parser on the child pipeline.

Your child-pipeline might use a context_parser to initialize context for when you test it in isolation by running it directly from the cli, but when calling from a parent pipeline the parent is responsible for creating the appropriate context using args or useParentContext=True. The default False for skipParse allows for exactly this.

If you still want the child’s context_parser to run when invoking the child via pype in a parent pipeline, set skipParse to False. In this case, use pipeArg to pass the input arg string to the child’s context_parser.

useParentContext permalink

If True, passes the parent’s context to the child. Any changes to the context by the child pipeline will be available to the parent after the child completes.

If False, the child creates its own, fresh context that does not contain any of the parent’s keys. pypyr destroys the child’s context upon completion of the child pipeline and updates to the child context do not reach the parent context.

If you use args and/or pipeArg to initialize the child pipeline context, useParentContext is implicitly False, so you do not need to set it explicitly unless you really want to.

If the child pipeline shares the parent context, be careful that the child does not accidentally overwrite context that is important to the parent.

If you have a chain of pipelines calling each other, where you are using pype in a child that a parent calls via pype in a for or while loop, pype will work for both child and parent loop iterations because pypyr takes care of this under the hood for you. Be careful of your own custom context properties, however, the parent and child shares these.

loader permalink

Load the child pipeline with this loader. This is useful if you are loading your pipelines using a custom loader to fetch your pipelines from your own external systems or locations.

This defaults to the parent loader, so you do NOT need to set this explicitly if you want to load the child with the same loader that did the parent.

The default pipeline loader is the built-in pypyr.loaders.file, which looks for pipelines on the file system. pypyr will interpret explicitly setting loader to pypyr.loaders.file, null or empty all to mean using the standard pypyr.loaders.file loader.

If you do not want to inherit which loader to use from the parent, you can either explicitly set loader, or if your parent used a custom loader, code the loader not to cascade.

pyDir permalink

Load ad hoc custom python modules from this directory. You only need to set this if your custom modules do not resolve from the child pipeline’s parent directory AND the modules are not installed to the current python environment.

By default, the current directory ($PWD), the parent pipeline’s directory and the child pipeline’s directory are in the module resolution path by already, so if your custom modules are relative to these locations you do NOT need to set pyDir.

You do NOT need to set this if another pipeline in the same session has already referenced the same directory.

See custom module import resolution rules for details.

resolveFromParent permalink

Boolean to indicate whether to resolve pipeline name relative to the parent. This is True by default, which for the standard file loader means that pypyr will first look for the child relative to the parent’s directory, and if it isn’t there go on to search the usual pipeline lookup order.

resolveFromParent overrides the is_parent_cascading property on the PipelineInfo object returned by the parent’s loader.

If you are using the standard file loader and you set resolveFromParent to False, pypyr will immediately fall back to the usual pipeline look-up order and look in the current directory ($PWD) first.

dynamically choose which pipeline to run permalink

You can use substitution expressions to set the child pipeline you want to execute dynamically at run-time. You can do this as a simple substitution of the pipeline name, or you could use a look-up table for more advanced mappings:

  - name: pypyr.steps.pype
      my_pipeline_name: dynamic-pype-child-1
        name: '{my_pipeline_name}'
  - name: pypyr.steps.default
          pipe2: dynamic-pype-child-2
          pipe3: dynamic-pype-child-3
          pipe4: dynamic-pype-child-4
  - name: pypyr.steps.pype
        name: '{lookup_table[pipe2]}'
  - name: pypyr.steps.pype
      pick_pipe: pipe3
        name: !py lookup_table[pick_pipe]

This pipeline will run, in order:

  1. dynamic-pype-child-1
  2. dynamic-pype-child-2
  3. dynamic-pype-child-3

You can find the example for dynamic pipeline execution in the pypyr example repo.

recursion permalink

Yes, you can call another pipeline recursively - i.e a child pipeline can call its parent pipeline. It’s up to you to avoid infinite recursion, though. Since we’re all responsible adults here, pypyr does not protect you from infinite recursion other than the default python recursion limit.

So don’t come crying if you blew your stack. Or a seal.

Here is a worked example of pipeline recursion.

see also

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