pypyr release v5.5.0 permalink

concurrent cmds & cmdOut dot notation permalink

Release Date: 2022-05-26T13:18:48Z

  • Introduce pypyr.steps.cmds & pypyr.steps.shells to run programs or shell statements asynchronously as parallel (concurrent) sub-processes.
    • This means all the parallel commands start at the same time and run concurrently, rather than run serially one after the other.
- name: pypyr.steps.cmds
  comment: copy 3 files concurrently
      - cp file1.ext /media/vol1/
      - cp file2.ext /media/vol2/file2-archive.ext
      - cp file3.ext /media/vol3/
  • cmdOut for pypyr.steps.cmd & gets dotted attribute access.
    • instead of cmdOut[returncode] access value like this: cmdOut.returncode
    • backwards compatible - the old-style dict-like accessors will still work.
    • This applies to the old serial cmd/shell steps, and also to the new parallel cmds/shells steps introduced in this release.
    • Where previously you had to use the cumbersome dict-style [accessors] you can now use dotted attribute access instead::
# old style
- name: pypyr.steps.echo
  run: !py "cmdOut['returncode'] == 0"
    echoMe: "you'll only see me if cmd ran successfully with return code 0.
            the command output was: {cmdOut[stdout]}.
            the error output was: {cmdOut[stderr]}."

# new style
- name: pypyr.steps.echo
  run: !py cmdOut.returncode == 0
    echoMe: "you'll only see me if cmd ran successfully with return code 0.
            the command output was: {cmdOut.stdout}.
            the error output was: {cmdOut.stderr}."
  • Set default encoding for all the cmd/shell steps using default_cmd_encoding in config.
    • You can use the $env variable PYPYR_CMD_ENCODING to initialize this value, in addition to the usual config files.

what’s changed permalink

Full Changelog:

how to upgrade permalink

If you want to upgrade (and you totally should!):

$ pip install --upgrade pypyr

source permalink

You can find pypyr release v5.5.0 on github, where you can click through to associated Issues, Pull Requests and Users.

Released by yaythomas.

last updated on .